Monday, December 30, 2013


I always said I would never complain about being pregnant.  I lied.  I am so miserably sick.  Crippling constipation, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and fatigue.  The worst part is the constipation.  I have been doing enemas, suppositories, fiber, fruit, etc....  you name it I have tried it.  I haven't held my vitamins down in over a week.  I'm feeling like death.    I pray that this means there are healthy little ones growing in there.

Later, I'm off to take my fifth nap of the day....  seriously

Sunday, December 15, 2013


I am so sick still.  Dehydrated, vomiting, and constipation.  I feel awful...  That is all.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ain't nobody got time for this...

Morning sickness.....  All day, every day.  I am so sick.  I minute I was standing outside talking to DH and the next I was on all fours, between a trash can and a planter, puking my brains out.  DH does not do well with vomit so he stood back and patted me on the back.  I can't eat.  I can't take my vitamins.  I can barely take my Estrace.  I feel awful.  I have an appointment next Wednesday with my RE, please let him liberal with the Zofran.  In the meantime, I have a small stash of Phenergan that I've been taking.  Except it knocks me out. 
My other symptoms are not bad.  I crave food even though I can't eat or hold it down. Today it's chicken salad.  I would kill for chicken salad on a croissant.    I wanted a grapefruit the other day.  That felt awesome coming back up...through my nose.   Oh and I CAN SMELL EVERYTHING.  And everything smells bad! 
I'm pretty miserable and moody.  DH keeps asking me if it is a bad thing.  Seriously it's bittersweet.  YAY!!!  I feel like crap that baby must be growing like mad!!!  Boo!!!!  I slept 14 hours yesterday!!!  

Off to go eat some Tums...  Yummmm

Monday, December 2, 2013

12dp5dt BETA DAY!!!!!

Today was the day of my blood draw.  I have been nervous for this for 12 days.  I had to go to my local lab to get my blood drawn because my RE's office is over three hours away. It's easier just to go to local lab and get it drawn. Plus, my local lab offers me half-price if I pay cash for my blood draw at the time of the draw.
DH and I drove over to the lab together, we were both nervous.  DH is a 6'4', big, gruff guy and he's pretty stoic.  We made a bet on the way over that if my beta was under 250, he  would owe me  an early Christmas present.   If our beta was over 250, I would owe him an early Christmas present.  Based on our last beta, last IVF cycle, on this exact same day, I thought I had a pretty good chance of winning. Our last beta was 176 . 
I sat on the couch and worried all day. DH had to work at 2 o'clock.  So then I started Googling.  The call came in at 2:39  from Alison.  She aid she had good news and wanted to know if I was sitting down.  My beta was 750!!!!  I immediately broke down sobbing ad thanking her.  I know I am not out of the woods,  however I am grateful. Since I feel  like crap, DH let me off on a Christmas present for awhile .
DH had to work at 2 o'clock I am noticing symptoms.  Last night, I had a patient in the back of the ambulance that started to vomit.  Vomit has never bothered me.  I started to dry heave and wretch right along with her.  I'm also finding I can smell everything.  I can still smell vomit. And I stepped in dog poop at her house, I can still smell dog poop.