I had my FET appointment today with my new RE. I have been so nervous about the appointment. I rehearsed how I would handle the appointment on my 1.5 hour drive there. AS it turns out, I love him. I don't know that I have ever met such an awesome doctor. I felt a connection with him and I have trust in him. He commented on a shirt I was wearing, it's a shirt for a teen with terminal cancer in our area. I can't speak about it without bawling. He gave me some Christian web links about suffering and staying strong. He cared about how horrible I feel but gave me perspective. I bawled my eyes out when I got back in my truck to go home. I was so worked up I vomited on the way home... yay?
Now here's the hard part. We have 2 blasts frozen, a 2BB and a 2BC. I'm worried about the grading. It doesn't sound good. But he says no one ever knows which ones will be babies. I explained if this doesn't work, DH wants to pursue another IVF cycle. My RE feels we could do IUI at $280 each plus the cost of donor sperm. He doesn't feel I need meds.
DH is now on the fence with our embies and is thinking that we should just do IUI. I'm not totally on board. I'm really at an impasse and have no clue where to go from here.